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Parents Center


St. Thomas More Academy encourages parental involvement and participation. Holiday celebrations will include parents and gives them an opportunity to interact with their child in the classroom setting. Participating in the classroom celebrations does not count towards the fulfillment of the required volunteer hours.  Additionally, St. Thomas More Academy will conduct special events designed to give parents an opportunity to meet each other and interact with other preschool students. The success of these events is highly dependent upon parent volunteers. Parents are required to contribute 10 hours per family per school year of volunteer service, or $20 per hour equivalent ($200). Parents are encouraged to donate their time and talents as often as possible. Volunteer service hours not met by May 1st   will be billed accordingly.  Parents are responsible for keeping track of their hours.

About our Tuition


Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. After the 5th of the month any unpaid tuition will be subject to a $5.00 per day late fee until that month's tuition is paid in full. Tuition not paid after the 5th school day of the month, with forfeit the child’s placement at St. Thomas More Academy. Tuition is paid on a monthly basis regardless of scheduled school closings, vacations, and/or illness. Tuition can be made by: automatic credit card payment, credit card (STMA does not accept American Express), cash, check, or money order.

Withdrawal from the school program must be done in writing with a 30-day notice. Parents are responsible for all costs associated with the 30-day period regardless of notice.


St. Thomas More Academy registration fee, Pre-K curriculum fee, and supply fee are non-refund­able.

Please keep in mind that the school is a fee for service program that operates completely separate from the Church and is not a charitable organization. All tuition/fees are a legally binding contract and collect­able as with any normal business you deal with. Any past due account will receive a letter of warning and remedy, if not paid, a letter from Legal Counsel will be sent and finally if the account remains unpaid it will be sent to a Collection Company for resolution.

Meet Our Staff

Anne Marie Fischer
Preschool Director
 Leticia San Miguel 
2½  year old Asst. Teacher 
Spanish Teacher
Nancy Mendez
Pre-K/VPK Lead Teacher
Spanish Teacher
Chesley Young
Pre-K/VPK Asst. Teacher

Sandra Haffke
   Pre-K/VPK Asst. Teacher
 Teresa Kent
Academy Floater
Maria Hernandez
4 year old Asst. Teacher

Parish Office
(Voice) 561-737-3095
(Fax) 561-737-8697

Monday through Friday: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saint Thomas More Academy  

(561)737 - 3770


Religious Education Office

(561) -737 3521

Gift Shop
(561)736 - 1887
Monday through Friday: 9:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

10935 South Military Trail Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Tel: 561-737-3095  / Fax  561-737-8697


© 2018 Saint Thomas More Academy  

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